buzz about the anthology

When the Rose Speaks Its Name: A Sherlock Holmes Anthology 

A collection of original writings and illustrations inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s tales of Sherlock Holmes, looking at the great detective through a queer lens.

Ebook and print editions. 

available now


“This is a joyful celebration of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson full of diverse, warm and loving portrayals. Beautiful illustrations frame a collection of short fiction and poetry that place character relationships at the forefront, proving that in any time, any place, under any circumstances, the bond between Holmes and Watson is unshakable.”

          ∽   DiscordantWords



“SUCH a rich and varied collection! Every piece is unique and immerses the reader in some new facet of these characters and the many worlds they inhabit. Each story is a fascinating mix of the familiar and the newly imagined. I thought I knew what to expect from Sherlock Holmes and was thrilled to discover that I had no idea!!”

          ∽   hubblegleeflower

“I am just in awe about how wonderfully produced the volume is, aside from the fab aspect of the creative content itself . . .looking through it has been with a lump in my throat. I can’t think of a more lovely tribute to the Holmes canon becoming free and cl(que)ear than this project appearing promptly, in all of its thought and care and commitment, to be shared with others, now that the curtain has been fully pulled aside.”

          ∽   thegildedbee